The turning on of the Christmas lights in Dublin city is a hallowed and time honoured tradition. Earlier this week the switch was flicked on the multitude of festive decorations painstakingly erected across the capital’s main shopping streets. Of particular note was the return of the famous ‘Nollaig Shona Duit’ sign to its position of ascendancy on South Dublin’s premiere retail thoroughfare, following the acrimonious public outcry last year when it was relegated to a side street to make way for the much maligned ‘Grafton Quarter’ Christmas signage.

The preference for maintaining Christmas tradition appears to run deep in Dubliners who also didn’t pull any punches when a few years back the council replaced the traditional real Christmas tree on O’Connell street with an artificial one made out of plastic baubles. Suffice to say that some strong opinions were subsequently exchanged as to what was expected of an iconic Dublin Christmas tree and the council relented – moving their plastic monstrosity to a secondary location and giving pride of place back to a beautiful Norway Spruce

While Christmas in the capital is likely to be a little quieter this year, with no Gaiety panto and markedly less Christmas reunions, there are certain things that just won’t be changing. For example, those of you who appreciate the tradition of a real Christmas Tree and the heavenly scent of a freshly cut fir can still celebrate in style by getting your tree delivered, installed and subsequently collected in the New Year by Pines & Co – hassle free!